Usage ===== The basic functionality parses the input string to an abstract syntax tree (AST) representation. This AST can then be used to build database filters or similar functionality. .. code-block:: pycon >>> import pycql >>> ast = pycql.parse(filter_expression) What is returned by the :func:`pycql.parser.parse` is the root :class:`pycql.ast.Node` of the AST representation. Inspection ---------- The easiest way to inspect the resulting AST is to use the :func:`pycql.ast.get_repr` function, which returns a nice string representation of what was parsed: .. code-block:: pycon >>> ast = pycql.parse('id = 10') >>> print(pycql.get_repr(ast)) ATTRIBUTE id = LITERAL 10.0 >>> >>> >>> filter_expr = '(number BETWEEN 5 AND 10 AND string NOT LIKE "%B") OR INTERSECTS(geometry, LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1))' >>> print(pycql.get_repr(pycql.parse(filter_expr))) ( ( ATTRIBUTE number BETWEEN LITERAL 5.0 AND LITERAL 10.0 ) AND ( ATTRIBUTE string NOT ILIKE LITERAL '%B' ) ) OR ( INTERSECTS(ATTRIBUTE geometry, LITERAL GEOMETRY 'LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)') ) Evaluation ---------- In order to create useful filters from the resulting AST, it has to be evaluated. For the Django integration, this was done using a recursive descent into the AST, evaluating the subnodes first and constructing a `Q` object. Consider having a `filters` API (for an example look at the Django one) which creates the filter. Now the evaluator looks something like this: .. code-block:: python from pycql.ast import * from myapi import filters # <- this is where the filters are created. # of course, this can also be done in the # evaluator itself class FilterEvaluator: def __init__(self, field_mapping=None, mapping_choices=None): self.field_mapping = field_mapping self.mapping_choices = mapping_choices def to_filter(self, node): to_filter = self.to_filter if isinstance(node, NotConditionNode): return filters.negate(to_filter(node.sub_node)) elif isinstance(node, CombinationConditionNode): return filters.combine( (to_filter(node.lhs), to_filter(node.rhs)), node.op ) elif isinstance(node, ComparisonPredicateNode): return to_filter(node.lhs), to_filter(node.rhs), node.op, self.mapping_choices ) elif isinstance(node, BetweenPredicateNode): return filters.between( to_filter(node.lhs), to_filter(node.low), to_filter(node.high), node.not_ ) elif isinstance(node, BetweenPredicateNode): return filters.between( to_filter(node.lhs), to_filter(node.low), to_filter(node.high), node.not_ ) # ... Some nodes are left out for brevity elif isinstance(node, AttributeExpression): return filters.attribute(, self.field_mapping) elif isinstance(node, LiteralExpression): return node.value elif isinstance(node, ArithmeticExpressionNode): return filters.arithmetic( to_filter(node.lhs), to_filter(node.rhs), node.op ) return node As mentionend, the `to_filter` method is the recursion. Django integration ------------------ For Django there is a default bridging implementation, where all the filters are translated to the Django ORM. In order to use this integration, we need two dictionaries, one mapping the available fields to the Django model fields, and one to map the fields that use ``choices``. Consider the following example models: .. code-block:: python from django.contrib.gis.db import models optional = dict(null=True, blank=True) class Record(models.Model): identifier = models.CharField(max_length=256, unique=True, null=False) geometry = models.GeometryField() float_attribute = models.FloatField(**optional) int_attribute = models.IntegerField(**optional) str_attribute = models.CharField(max_length=256, **optional) datetime_attribute = models.DateTimeField(**optional) choice_attribute = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=[ (1, 'ASCENDING'), (2, 'DESCENDING'),], **optional) class RecordMeta(models.Model): record = models.ForeignKey(Record, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='record_metas') float_meta_attribute = models.FloatField(**optional) int_meta_attribute = models.IntegerField(**optional) str_meta_attribute = models.CharField(max_length=256, **optional) datetime_meta_attribute = models.DateTimeField(**optional) choice_meta_attribute = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=[ (1, 'X'), (2, 'Y'), (3, 'Z')], **optional) Now we can specify the field mappings and mapping choices to be used when applying the filters: .. code-block:: python FIELD_MAPPING = { 'identifier': 'identifier', 'geometry': 'geometry', 'floatAttribute': 'float_attribute', 'intAttribute': 'int_attribute', 'strAttribute': 'str_attribute', 'datetimeAttribute': 'datetime_attribute', 'choiceAttribute': 'choice_attribute', # meta fields 'floatMetaAttribute': 'record_metas__float_meta_attribute', 'intMetaAttribute': 'record_metas__int_meta_attribute', 'strMetaAttribute': 'record_metas__str_meta_attribute', 'datetimeMetaAttribute': 'record_metas__datetime_meta_attribute', 'choiceMetaAttribute': 'record_metas__choice_meta_attribute', } MAPPING_CHOICES = { 'choiceAttribute': dict(Record._meta.get_field('choice_attribute').choices), 'choiceMetaAttribute': dict(RecordMeta._meta.get_field('choice_meta_attribute').choices), } Finally we are able to connect the CQL AST to the Django database models. We also provide factory functions to parse the timestamps, durations, geometries and envelopes, so that they can be used with the ORM layer: .. code-block:: python from pycql.integrations.django import to_filter, parse cql_expr = 'strMetaAttribute LIKE "%parent%" AND datetimeAttribute BEFORE 2000-01-01T00:00:01Z' # NOTE: we are using the django integration `parse` wrapper here ast = parse(cql_expr) filters = to_filter(ast, mapping, mapping_choices) qs = Record.objects.filter(**filters)